A network of water droplets Image credit: DeepMind

UX and AI

Tools to Streamline Your UX Workflow

5 minute read

As UX professionals, we all know the importance of collecting and analyzing data to inform design decisions and improve the user experience. But with so much data to collect and analyze, it can be a time-consuming and overwhelming process. That’s where AI-powered tools come in. By using these tools, we can streamline our UX workflows, saving time and increasing efficiency. Plus, who doesn’t love a robot assistant?

Persona Creation

Persona creation is common part of the UX design process, but it can be time-consuming to create and analyze data to build accurate personas. AI-powered tools can help speed up the process by automating the collection and analysis of data. One example generating a lot of buzz is OpenAI’s ChatGPT, a language model that can generate personas based on data inputs, such as survey responses or user behavior. Just feed it your text-based data and watch it go. It’s like having your own personal AI assistant to do the heavy lifting for you!

Other AI-powered tools for persona creation include:

Affinity Diagramming

We all know affinity diagramming is a useful tool for organizing and synthesizing data collected during UX research. AI-powered tools can assist with this process by automating the clustering and categorization of data. One example is OptimalSort, which uses machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and provide insights into areas where improvements can be made.

Affinity diagramming tools with AI baked in also include:


Ethnography involves observing and studying people in their natural environment, which can be time-consuming and challenging to analyze. AI-powered tools can assist with this process by providing data analysis and visualization tools that can analyze large amounts of qualitative data quickly. For example, Capital One used an AI-powered tool called Yva to analyze employee feedback and sentiment to improve the employee experience. Yva helped the company to identify areas where improvements could be made, and to develop targeted interventions to address these issues. Talk about a team player!

These tools also offer AI-features for ethnography:

Formative Usability Studies

Formative usability studies involve testing designs with users to identify areas for improvement. AI-powered tools can assist with this process by providing automated data collection and analysis tools. One example is UserZoom, which provides a suite of tools for formative usability testing and uses AI to analyze user behavior and provide insights into areas where improvements can be made.

An example is Cisco Systems, who used UserZoom to conduct usability testing for its WebEx conferencing software, identifying areas for improvement and making changes based on user feedback. By using UserZoom, Cisco was able to improve the user experience of its WebEx software, leading to increased user satisfaction and engagement.

Check out these other AI-powered tools for formative usability studies:

Summative User Research

Summative user research involves collecting feedback from users on the effectiveness of a design. AI-powered tools can assist with this process by providing automated data analysis and visualization tools. One example is Adobe Target, which provides a suite of tools for summative user research and uses AI to analyze user feedback and provide insights into areas where improvements can be made.

Marriot International, for instance, used Adobe Target to personalize the online booking experience for users, based on their past behavior and preferences. By using Adobe Target, Marriott was able to increase bookings and revenue by providing a more tailored and personalized user experience. source

Other AI-powered tools for summative user research include:

Usability Testing

Usability testing (both in-person, and remote) involves testing designs with users to identify areas for improvement. AI-powered tools can assist with this process by providing automated data collection and analysis tools. One example is UserTesting, which provides a platform for remote user testing and feedback, using AI to analyze user behavior and provide insights into areas where improvements can be made. Walmart, for instance, uses UserTesting to gather feedback on its website and mobile app, allowing the company to identify areas for improvement and make changes based on user feedback. By using UserTesting, Walmart is able to improve the user experience of its digital platforms and increase customer satisfaction.

Other AI-powered tools for usability testing include:

More real-world examples of companies using AI-powered tools in UX research and design include:

AI-powered tools are changing the way we approach UX research and design. By automating tasks, analyzing data, and providing insights into user behavior and preferences, these tools can help us streamline our workflows and improve the user experience. It’s an exciting time to be a UX professional!

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Originally published April 18, 2023
File under: ux  ai  usability  techniques